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2. 聖經詮釋學-2 文法



會議主題二:「聖經詮釋學-2 文法」


The Hermeneutical Spiral: Grammar

- Establishing the text:

Old Testament: Masoretic Text;

the Septuagint (LXX); the Samaritan Pentatuch (SP)

New Testament: Nestle-Aland and UBS

- Hebrew verb system:

- Hebrew mood:

(similar in form and function)

--Imperative: simple direct command (“do it” or “love God”)

--Imperfect: strong injunctions (“you must do it” or “you shall love the Lord your God”)

--Jussive: third person indirect imperative (“let him do it”)

--Cohortative: first person indirect imperative (“let us do it”)

- Infinitives:

--Infinitive construct

Used with le for purpose or result

ke or be in a temporal clause

min, bal or beli in a casual clause

bal or ke in a concessive construction

--Infinitive absolute as adverb

- Greek verb system:

--Tense: the aorist (past tense); the present (present tense); the future (future tense)…

--Akitionsart (type of action): punctiliar, iterative, ingressive actions

--Aspect (viewpoint): perfective (external), imperfective (internal)

- Middle Voice and Passive:

- Verbal Aspect and Exegesis

- Hebrew Nouns

- Greek Nouns

- Greek Articles, Prepositions, Clauses

- Changes from Classical to Koine Greek Affect Exegesis

- Things worth noting in exegesis


Osborne, Grant R. (2006). The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation, 2nd Ed: InterVarsity Press. (§Part I: Grammar, 3 Semantics)

Porter, Stanley E. 1997. The basic tools of exegesis of the New Testament: A bibliographical essay. A Handbook to Exegesis of the New Testament. Stanley E. Porter (ed.). 23-41.

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