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6. 新約希臘文與漢譯中的訊息結構




主講人: 徐淑瑛教授

1. Surface structure

  • Deep structure

  • “Generative poetics” (Gerhardt Güttgemanns)

  • a text both as a historical production of meaning and in terms of contemporary interpretation (1976:1-21)

2. Eugene Nida & Charles Taber’s (1969) 3-stage system of translation from the original lg (OL) to the receptor g (RL)

  • Analysis (grammatical relationships & word meaning ~ Osborne’s exegetical methodology)

  • Transfer (the results of the analysis are transferred to the OL)

  • Contextualization (restructured materials to be understandable to the RL)

  • Kernel sentence: implicit or explicit propositions (meanings)

3. Emotive language:

  • Express intense feeling, awaken those slumbering passions for God and his will.

  • Nida (1964:113) “Emotive meanings consist of polar contrasts separated by a graded series with a high percentage of usages for most words clustering around the neutral position.”

4. Paradigmatic study of emotional coloring:

  • sad, miserable,-- calm –happy --- overjoyed, 每個作者習慣使用的情緒用語程度不同 Jeremiah, Paul: very emotional writers and wear their feelings on the surface, tend to choose words at the ends of the scale.

5. Proximity/ nearness (deixis)

  • 時間: e.g. “day of the Lord” à Parousia, all the events of the “last days”, “Abraham rejoiced to see My day” (incarnation, Jn 8:56 [NASB])

  • 空間: e.g. “heaven”

  • “God” (Mt 21:25) 約翰的浸“Was from heaven or men?”

  • spiritual realm (Eph 1:3, 20; 2:6; 3:10; 6:12)

  • Logical, cause-effect relations: e.g. the “hand of the Lord”

  • judgment and “sword” to persecution and division (Mt 10:34),

  • to discipline (Rom 13:4)

  • conviction (Heb 4:12)


Kirk, Allison. 2012. Word Order and Information Structure in New Testament Greek. Ph.D. Dissertation. LOT: Utrecht.

Osborne, Grant R. (2006). The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation, 2nd Ed: InterVarsity Press. (§Part I: Chapter 4 Syntax)



1. 聖經詮釋學-1 概論

會議主題一:「聖經詮釋學-1 概論」 主講人:周復初教授 1. 文化釋經學Hermeneutics 源於希臘文的一字,意思是「解釋」。傳統上它是指「解釋作者意思的原則或方法之科學」。釋經學是含括一切的名詞,而解經(exegesis)與「處境化」(contextualizat...


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